Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Rhythm in art is more of something that you feel just like the beat of music. A pattern has rhythm like the colors of a piece because they can make your eyes move from one component to another. Lines can produce rhythm by implying movement. Forms can also produce rhythm by the way that they are placed one next to the other. Rhythm is a principle in art that is hard to describe in words because it is more of a feeling. This painting was painted by Elisabeta Hermann. She calls it "African Dancers Number 3". She used acrylic paints on canvas.

     This piece shows the perfect example of the principle of rhythm. It gives you a feeling of something so intense that you can't stop staring at it. It makes your eyes move from one place to another. The artist painted the perfect piece for rhythm because rhythm is like the beat of music and this shows movement of dancers to music. Rhythm is exactly that, a FEELING.

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