Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mechanical Shapes

Are the shapes that can be drawn using a ruler or compass. Mechanical shapes, whether simple or complex, produce a feeling of control or order. A different variety of shapes or forms can be put together in large wall murals. Different shapes can be used to draw a persons face and body such as cartoon characters where the head is round, the body is cylindrical or square and the legs are sticks. Different shapes may look like a jigsaw puzzle.
     In this piece, the different shapes fit together just like a jigsaw puzzle. The principle of shapes is seen here because all the pieces of the different shapes fit together. Even though each piece is individual, the way they are shaped together makes it look like one large piece. Shapes are important for unity and completeness of a piece of art. Without shapes I think art would be very boring, imagine art with only lines. This piece was painted by a student named Jose C. during 2011-2012 school year and use oil pastel paints on cardboard.

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