Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Texture in painting gives the look and feel that the paper is raised. It is based on the paint, and its application, or the addition of materials such as ribbon, metal, wood, lace, leather and sand. Texture stimulates two different senses, sight and touch.
For example, use of rough surfaces can be visually active, while smooth surfaces can be visually restful. Texture can give the feeling of "liveness" to a painting. This painting was created by Vincent Van Gogh and he called it "Roses". He completed the painting in 1890 in the last year of his life. He painted it with oil paints on canvas. He completed this painting while in the Saint-Remy-asylum in France.

      The texture in this picture gives an image of deepness like carvings. The principle of texture is being used here because you can close your eyes and pass your hands over this piece and guess exactly what it looks like. I think that a blind person could appreciate this texture piece. This texture appears to be smooth and deep. The effect is that feeling it gives you a better idea than describing it with words.

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